Inês Dias Lamego

Inês Dias Lamego has a PhD in Chemistry attributed by University of Aveiro. Her PhD work was developed under the co-supervision of Dr Maria Paula Marques. She was a scientific bursary at Unidade de I&D Química-Física Molecular under the project ReNATURE – CENTRO/01/0145/FEDER/000007.

Departamento de Química
Faculdade de Ciências e Tecnologia
Universidade de Coimbra
3004-535 Coimbra
+351 239 852 094
Scopus ID
Research Gate


Cytotoxicity of Platinum and Palladium Chelates Against Osteosarcoma
A.S. Martins, A.L.M. Batista de Carvalho, I. Lamego, M.P.M. Marques, A.M. Gil
ChemistrySelect 5(20), 5993–6000 (2020)

Impact of the Pd2Spermine Chelate on Osteosarcoma Metabolism: an NMR Metabolomics Study
I. Lamego, M.P.M. Marques, I.F. Duarte, A.S. Martins, H. Oliveira e A.M. Gil
Journal of Proteome Research 16, 1773-1783 (2017)

Metabolic Markers of Osteosarcoma Cell Line Response to Doxorubicin and Methotrexate Treatment: Comparison to Cisplatin
I. Lamego, I.F. Duarte, M.P.M. Marques e A.M. Gil
Journal of Proteome Research  13(12), 6033–6045 (2014)

Nuclear magnetic resonance metabolomics of iron deficiency in soybean leaves
M.R.M. Lima, S.O. Diaz, I. Lamego, M.A. Grusak, M.W. Vasconcelos, A.M.
Journal of Proteome Research  13(6)3075-3087 (2014)

Potential markers of cisplatin treatment response unveiled by NMR metabolomics of human lung cells
I.F. Duarte, A.F. Ladeirinha, I. Lamego, A.M. Gil, L. Carvalho, I.M. Carreira, J.B. Melo
Molecular Pharmaceutics 10(11), 4242-4251 (2013)

Nuclear Magnetic Resonance (NMR) Study of the Effect of Cisplatin on the Metabolic Profile of MG-63 Osteosarcoma Cells
I.F. Duarte, I. Lamego, J. Marques, M.P.M. Marques, B.J. Blaise, A.M. Gil
Journal of Proteome Research 9(11), 5877–5886 (2010)

Analytical Approaches Towards Successful Human Cell Metabolome Studies by NMR Spectroscopy
I.F. Duarte, J. Marques, A.F. Ladeirinha, C. Rocha, I. Lamego, R. Calheiros, T.M. Silva, M.P.M. Marques, J.B. Melo, I.M. Carreira and A.M. Gil
Analytical Chemistry 81(12), 5023–5032 (2009)

NMR metabonomics for mammalian cell metabolism studies
I.F. Duarte, I. Lamego, C. Rocha, A.M. Gil
Bioanalysis 1(6), 1597-1614 (2009)