Hydrogen Network Dynamics and Conformational Changes in Molecular Solids

Dinamic reorganization of molecular conformation. and structural reorientation study, as well as hydrogen bonding rearrangement processes in molecular and polymeric systems.  The University of Coimbra was responsible for the evaluation and analysis of the properties of the studied systems (e.g. p-terfenil crystals and benzoic acid), through vibrational studies (Raman spectroscopy and infrared absorption) as a function of temperature.

1994 to 1997
13.000.000 Portuguese Escudos for the University of Coimbra
Project code
Funding Entity
Human Capital and Mobility Programme – European Community

Involved Universities
University of Dusseldorf, Germany (Lead University)
University of Coimbra, Portugal
University of Rennes I, France
University of Florença, Italy
University of Chemnitz, Germany
University of Grenoble I, France

Members from the University of Coimbra
António Marinho Amorim da Costa (Principal Investigator)
Norbert Karger
Luís Alberto Esteves Batista de Carvalho
Paulo Jorge de Almeida Ribeiro Claro
Ana Margarida Amado Roque Batista

Raman Spectroscopic Study of Pure p-Terphenyl and Tetracene:p-Terphenyl Doped Crystals 
A.M. Amorim da Costa, N. Karger, A.M. Amado, M. Becucci
Solid State Ionics 97, 115-121 (1997)

Order-disorder Phase Transition in p-Terphenyl and p-Terphenyl-tetracene Doped Crystals as Studied by Raman Spectroscopy
A.M. Amorim da Costa, A.M. Amado, M. Becucci, C. Kryschi
Journal of Molecular Structure 416, 69-73 (1997)